KUBYTS™ offers a curated catalog of GPU & CPU accelerated container applications and images for deep learning (DL) software, HPC applications, and HPC visualization tools. It allows you to easily build, ship, and run applications using container technology.
Tyrone KUBYTS™ has a repository of 100+ containers & 50+ applications for DL ML HPC Workloads
A unique solution than offers both CPU & GPU accelerated containers
Get your projects up and running, without complexity associated with software configuration.
Defined on the foundation of widely used internet protocols such as DHCP, and TFTP.
Easily run multiple applications simultaneously in a single system
Runs on KUBYTS™ certified workstations & Clusters
Access to a repository of over 100 containers & 50+ applications & images
Run your applications from anywhere on KUBYTS™ certified systems
Deploy applications in the matter of a few seconds, not days